Dealer's choice poker games are the heart of most home poker games. Dealer's choice allows each player to select the poker game variation to be played. They can select games to be played as high hand, high-low split or wild card. Mixing in a variety of poker game variations and styles dealer's choice keeps a home poker game fresh and interesting. The “best” way for your own dealer's choice home poker game is the way you and your friends find the most enjoyable. This Dealer's Choice Poker Guide has lots of additional information and ideas that can be incorporated into your own dealer's choice poker game. |
DEALER'S CHOICE HOME POKER GAME VARIATIONS There are an enormous number of non-standard or invented poker game variations. Home poker players often take a basic poker game such as Stud or Omaha and make additions, innovations and combinations that create new and different variations. describes over 175 such poker game variations based upon Draw, Stud, Omaha, Hold'em. These are the types of games that form the pool of choices that typical low stakes dealer's choice home poker games draw from. |