Criss-Cross Wild is a wild card poker game. Deal each player 4 hole cards. Place 5 cards face down on the table with 1 vertical row of 3 cards, and one card placed on either side of the middle card to form a horizontal row of 3 cards. See diagram below. The middle card and all like ranked cards are wild, whether on the board or in a player's hand. The middle wild card is shared by all players, so each active player has at least 1 wild card. Players select any 5 cards from among their 4 hole cards plus the 3 cards in either the vertical row or the horizontal row to make their hand. Each down card is exposed after a round of betting, with the middle wild card exposed last. May be played high-low split. V H W H V Other variation of Criss-Cross Wild poker:
1. Reveal 2 cards (1 each of the horizontal and vertical rows) at a time. This reduces the number of betting rounds and tends to keep more players in the hand. |
Deal 4 hole cards to each player. Arrange board cards. Bet Reveal 1 card from vertical (V) row (not middle). Bet Reveal 1 card from horizontal (H) row (not middle). Bet Reveal 1 card from vertical (V) row (not middle). Bet Reveal 1 card from horizontal (H) row (not middle). Bet Reveal middle wild card (W) Bet High only or Hi-Lo Cards Speak: Showdown High-Low Declaration: Declare Bet Showdown |
As in most wild card poker games the winning hand for Criss-Cross Wild poker usually must be excellent. For high, expect a high 4 of a kind to be the minimum needed to win. Occasionally, even middle to low quads may win if there are few players in the hand and no raising. For low, the nuts or second-best hand, with much depending on the common board cards. Low board cards also make a tie for the low more likely.
Your hand in Criss-Cross Wild poker will be taken from 7 cards: the 4 hole cards dealt to you, the common wild card plus 2 additional cards from the same row. You may use any combination of hole and board cards to make your hand (4 hole & 1 board; 3 hole & 2 board or 2 hole & 3 board). It is highly desirable to have been dealt at least 3 well-coordinated cards to play. With the addition of the wild card, you would then need just 1 helpful card to appear in the common board cards to make a hand. If you are dealt 4 well-coordinated hole cards the wild card will automatically complete your hand.
Since Criss-Cross Wild poker allows the use of any 5 of the 7 cards available, it should be considered to be a variation of 7 card stud.
As in most wild card poker games the winning hand for Criss-Cross Wild poker usually must be excellent. For high, expect a high 4 of a kind to be the minimum needed to win. Occasionally, even middle to low quads may win if there are few players in the hand and no raising. For low, the nuts or second-best hand, with much depending on the common board cards. Low board cards also make a tie for the low more likely.
Your hand in Criss-Cross Wild poker will be taken from 7 cards: the 4 hole cards dealt to you, the common wild card plus 2 additional cards from the same row. You may use any combination of hole and board cards to make your hand (4 hole & 1 board; 3 hole & 2 board or 2 hole & 3 board). It is highly desirable to have been dealt at least 3 well-coordinated cards to play. With the addition of the wild card, you would then need just 1 helpful card to appear in the common board cards to make a hand. If you are dealt 4 well-coordinated hole cards the wild card will automatically complete your hand.
Since Criss-Cross Wild poker allows the use of any 5 of the 7 cards available, it should be considered to be a variation of 7 card stud.